Genetic test; A map for your life journey

Your genes are the connecting thread between your physical and mental characteristics and your health. We turn this whisper into a loud voice for you with our team of experts and the latest technologies and science

What is the LifeandMe Genetic Test

LifeandMe is the result of years of planning, research, endeavors, and experience of experts who have tied the mysterious world of genetics with your well-being. That’s why the vision of LifeandMe for each of you is different and distinctive. This group is trying to solve your mental and physical concerns, so you may benefit from lifelong health instead of ongoing trials and errors for a better life experience and discover the right buttons of your body, once and for all. With the efforts of experts in Pardazesh Bonyan Salamat Kara Co. (branded as LifeandMe) and the latest technologies utilizing the science of the most advanced research centers in the world, we have provided you the ability to identify genetic traits and change your lifestyle.


Why LifeandMe

We accompany you along this journey as we have simplified all the conditions so you may complete your journey in peace


Accuracy, authenticity, and safety of information is our top priority


Science is the basis of everything that we present


Data enlightens the path of our research

Free consultation

Free consultation

Please register your Email adress for a free consultation on the reports and to receive answers to your questions and concerns about genetic tests. Our associates will contact you as soon as possible

Six steps to start the LifeandMe genetic journey

What are the steps of the genetic test, and how long does it take

1.Place an order

Easily place your order at the website in less than a few minutes and purchase your required reports with the saliva test kit

2.Receiving the kit and performing the test

After placing an order, the customer relations department will contact you and send you the test kit. You can perform the test within less than two minutes following the instructions

3. Submitting the kit and delivering the sample

Submit the kit barcode to the website and send your sample to the company

4.Analyzing the results

The collected samples are sent to the laboratory, and our bioinformatics experts will analyze the genetics data after the DNA extraction and genotyping

5.Sending the reports

You will receive your personalized reports 60 days after submitting your kit

6.Free consultation and monthly messages and support

Your genetic journey does not end here! LifeandMe accompanies you to a healthier lifestyle by providing free specialized genetics consultations and also by sending you monthly dedicated messages

What do LifeandMe genetic reports tell you

Our experts extract your genetic information by investigating your saliva sample. After analyzing the obtained data, they will provide you with the information in six fascinating and practical reports


Genetic nutrition test of LifeandMe helps you with multiple cases (including obesity/emaciation, hyperlipidemia, craving for snacks, vitamin D deficiency, caffeine, lactose, celiac disease, calcium deficiency, folate, iron deficiency, sodium deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency, vitamin A deficiency, total body fat, and whole-grains) to reach a healthier diet. With this comprehensive report, there is no need for a further genetic test for thinness

Skin and beauty

Haven’t you reached your ideal skincare routine yet? Even expensive creams didn’t solve your problem, and premature skin aging is one of your primary concerns? It is noteworthy that your genetics determine your biological age. LifeandMe skin and beauty report can make your skincare routine simpler by investigating various parameters, including skin pigmentation, response to the sun, freckles and sun spots, eczema, psoriasis, cellulite and skin tissue, skin moisture, biological age, and frown lines

Mental health

Have you ever experienced incontrollable rage or insomnia? Which one do you prefer: being alone or being with a company? The reasons behind such factors may be hidden inside your genes. LifeandMe psychological report investigates the genetic risks of rage, insomnia, delayed gratification, hedonism, cognitive abilities, memory function, and desire to be alone

Carrier status

Nowadays, the frequency of genetic diseases among newborns is significantly increasing. Only a limited number of these cases are detectable at premarital genetic council or screening tests during pregnancy. However, LifeandMe can detect the transfer risk of 42 genetic diseases to your children using a simple test. With carrier screening reports, you will never be worried about the health of your fetus and the future of your children


Have you ever thought about the nationality and racial origins of your family? Or did you ever become curious about the immigration path of your ancestors while you were checking your family tree? With the LifeandMe genealogy test, you can travel to your origin

Unique Value Chain Products and Services

LifeandMe provides consumers with the most fulfilling and precise results according to the 4 core values to empower and help them make better decisions in the field of health with the constant support of our medical experts

Your privacy is our top priority

You will have permanent ownership of your genetic data, and the information can be wiped off our database at your request. Your barcode number is the only communication between you and us. The application of genetic data in research projects is subject to the owner's consent. LifeandMe guarantees the security of your information


Our Genotyping Technology

We use Microarray genotyping device to benefit more from human genome.This device offers a diverse set of array services, including genotyping and methylation array services. Microarray platforms of this economy combine high data with a reliable power with high throughput and quality of content hosting device to match almost any program and application. This device utilizes the most advanced Illumina array technologies, including whole genome genotyping and methylation arrays. The specific arrays of this device provide the user with the flexibility to perform a wide range of studies. Reliable array-scanning systems image each array and can help uncover the complex genetic makeup behind diseases. In addition, SNPs selection and analysis tools are used in-house software to optimize data accuracy and research utilization. The iScan system can scan thousands of array samples per day, without compromising data quality or reproducibility. The device supports a wide range of genetic analysis assays, from high-throughput genotyping to DNA methylation analysis. The maximum capacity of this machine is 5670 samples per week

Our Research Projects

Our genetic research project gives the researchers, academics and students the opportunity to make a difference by participating in a new kind of research —online, from anywhere.Once participants answer online survey questions, researchers link their genetic data to study topics from ancestry, to traits, to disease. It is also feasible to define new questionnaires in the field of your own research interest to fuel your project. These contributions help drive scientific discoveries.The choice to opt into or out of research is always up to the participant.

Market Development

We are trying to enter other countries’ markets in order to bring precision medicine to their region and to help them make wiser choices for their lives. According to the existing statistics, Ischemic heart disease and stroke are 2 of the most important causes of death in Malaysia.The possible research processes will make the management of the mentioned diseases easier using genetic data in the field of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes etc. LifeandMe -as a data-driven company- has the ability to use its knowledge with the purpose of analyzing the data extracted from individuals’ genes.The mentioned data includes 700.000 genetic SNPs detected by microarray genotyping machine in a high-tech lab located in Europe. We have chosen the Middle-east as one of the main regions to expand our target market and continue our way to become an international genetic testing company in the best possible way after entering Turkey 2 years ago. .Our R&D team is able to use the existing data for research objectives with their owners’ permission.
